How to identify natural latex toys?

How to identify natural latex toys?

  • 2024-01-30
  • admin

Method/Step 1:

The first step: Smell, natural latex has a light balloon smell, that is, the smell of natural rubber.

Synthetic taste

Because synthetic latex is a chemical product, it smells very big, so it often adds flavor, and the presentation is mostly a very strong milk flavor (containing formaldehyde), and there is no rubber taste

Method/Step 2:

The second step: look at the air circulation, blow air into the latex toy, see whether the air can be smoothly circulated, because the synthetic rubber composition is more, the air is not easy to circulate, such a pillow does not have the effect of sweating ventilation

Natural latex toys are relatively fluffy and breathable

Method/Step 3:

The third step is to look at toughness, high-quality natural latex toys, such as when you buy a pellet, you randomly pick up the head of a pellet to do a slight lifting action to bear the weight of the whole toy, it should not be broken, and the content is estimated to be broken just lifted. More than 90% natural ingredients.

Synthetic ones don't have that effect at all

Method/Step 4:

Step 4: Look at the texture of the real latex surface is matte (not very bright), the surface is fine, there are wrinkles, there are oxidation holes (there are pores on the surface). Note: Oxidation holes are relatively rare in plain grain products, because the follow-up treatment of plain grain products is carried out in contact with air. Chemical latex and synthetic latex products: the surface is shiny, tight, very smooth, no oxidation holes or very few, every grain and highlight are very full, there is no defect in the following methods to goods can be.

Method/Step 5:

Step 5: Look at the color

Fake latex toy color is white, some pale or dark white!

Real latex products: real natural latex toy color should be milky white light yellow;

Method/Step 6:

The sixth part; Look at certifications, customs declarations and Thai certificates of origin
